Biobanking: Evolving from Managing Small Molecules to Biological Molecules
Presented in Partnership with the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)
Monday, January 25 — 3:00-5:00 pm
Full conference registration is required to attend this session.
Session Chairs:
Jonathan O'Connell, Forma Therapeutics
Andy Zaayenga, International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)
The quantity of biological samples and derivatives is rising with the introduction of biological drug molecules, nucleic acid screening and the archiving of clinical samples to support translational medicine and will continue to do so. Automation of the processes to collect, prepare, distribute, and archive the materials and the data associated with those materials becomes compelling as laboratory operations increase. Interoperability and facile exchange of specimens and data between collections is critical. Automated biobanks present challenging issues with regards to design, sample process, data process and labware. This session will discuss mechanisms to address these challenges, whether through developing a novel infrastructure or adapting an existing environment.
Presentations include:
- From Collection to Utilization: The Critical Role of Technology Innovation in Delivering Scientific Advances with Biological Samples — Clive Green, Director and Head of Sample Management, AstraZeneca, Stockport, UK
- Lab Automation to Support a Biologics Repository: Lessons Learned — Karen Billeci, Senior Scientific Manager, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, USA
- Creating an IPSC Biobank as a Service and for Developing Novel Therapeutics — Marcie Glicksman, PhD, Vice President Biology, Orig3n, Inc, Boston, MA, USA
- The Actelion Research Biobank: Experiences from launching biobanking operations within R&D of a medium-sized pharmaceutical company — Oliver Peter, Group Leader, HTS & Compound Management , Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Basel, Switzerland